This collection contains a selection of activities including games, quizzes, and experiments, designed to help students of all ages understand the different roles available in green careers using STEM subjects. Highlights include:

  • Polar Explorer Careers Booklet - aimed at 7-11 year olds, this activity pack centres around the polar research ship RRS David Attenborough, allowing pupils to make a job application, design an ice station, and plan their mission as a team.
  • Investigating the Difference Between Organic and Non-Organic Food - in this experiment, students design a fair test to investigate the differences between organic and non-organic foods. Contextualised by a careers case study, the practical encourages students to consider the wider issues affecting food supply and agriculture.



Showing 20 result(s)

Polar Explorer Careers Booklet

This resource provides an opportunity for pupils 7-11 to find out about some of the STEM careers linked to RRS Sir David Attenborough, a new ship which will be one of the most advanced polar research ships in the world. It contains six classroom activities that link to curriculum topics including:  forces,...

Careers from biology

Produced by the Wellcome Trust, this issue of the Big Picture explores some of the careers that are available to students who have studied biological science. It goes...

Green bus

This activity sheet includes a range of activities including researching how buses can be powered in more sustainable and environmentally friendly ways, a quiz and a world jumble. The resource also gives a web link allowing pupils to further explore any questions they may have, learn fun facts and discover a range...

Decarbonisation Game

This resource from Siemens consists of an interactive online game and some curriculum linked extension resources.  The activities inform students, aged 11 to 16, about various features of the climate crisis and then challenges them to draw all the information together to form an overall view. 

In the game...
