Green careers activities
This collection contains a selection of activities including games, quizzes, and experiments, designed to help students of all ages understand the different roles available in green careers using STEM subjects. Highlights include:
- Polar Explorer Careers Booklet - aimed at 7-11 year olds, this activity pack centres around the polar research ship RRS David Attenborough, allowing pupils to make a job application, design an ice station, and plan their mission as a team.
- Investigating the Difference Between Organic and Non-Organic Food - in this experiment, students design a fair test to investigate the differences between organic and non-organic foods. Contextualised by a careers case study, the practical encourages students to consider the wider issues affecting food supply and agriculture.
Investigating the Difference Between Organic and Non-Organic Food
In this investigation, students learn about carrying out a fair test, by running a blind trial of organic and non-organic herbs to see if they can identify any differences in taste. The investigation is put into a STEM careers context through an initial case study of James Seymour, a scientist who works as a...
Investigating the Anti-Cancer Properties of Plants
In this resource, pupils carry out an investigation into the presence of vitamin C, an antioxidant, in the different parts of different plants. This is put in the context of Dr Jess Chu, a young scientist researching Malaysian rainforest plants to see if they have any antioxidant, anti-cancer or antibacterial...
Investigating the Antibacterial Properties of Plants
In this resource, students investigate the antibacterial properties of plants. Their investigation is placed in the context of a case study of Julian Ma, ...
Investigating Fertilisers: the Effects of Minerals on Plant Growth
In this practical, students investigate the effects of different levels of minerals (nitrates, phosphates and potassium) on the growth of radishes. Students sow radish seed in ‘soil’ containing different levels of 3 minerals - nitrates, phosphates and potassium. These minerals are present inside N:P:K fertiliser...