National Careers Week - 4th to 9th March 2024
This collection offers a selection of videos and career profiles to highlight the breath of STEM careers available. Some of the resources include experiments and classroom activities linked to the career theme, such as the Brian Cox school experiment resources.
Further career profiles may also be found for biology, chemistry, physics and careers in space here.
Catalyst Magazine and Catalyst Magazine Live!
For further reading around careers for students, Catalyst Magazine is a free digital science journal for 14 to 19 year olds. Written by academics, scientists, engineers, and educators to illustrate scientific research and industrial developments from STEM professionals across the country, Catalyst Magazine brings STEM subjects to life, showcasing real world topics, issues, and solutions. As well as the online magazine, Catalyst Magazine Live! offers free webinars for young people and their educators to discuss the scientific research and development carried out by Catalyst Magazine contributors. Each webinar will afford young people an in-depth learning experience on topics related to their curricular studies and insight into related careers.
Following on from the first series of the Brian Cox schools experiments for primary, the Royal Society has produced a new set of videos and resources based around new and emerging technologies. These new resources cover important topics and introduce...
These experiments are designed to support teachers of upper primary level pupils to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Creative and experimental approaches are particularly important for keeping pupils interested and engaged in science, and for equipping them...
This collection of videos, from the European Space Education Office (ESERO-UK), presents a cross-section of people with careers in UK space industry.
The majority of the videos include a version that can be used in the primary classroom and a version to use in secondary schools or colleges.
In these videos, STEM Ambassadors describe why they took on the role and the benefits both for the students they visit and for themselves. The first video, Auditioning the STEM Ambassadors, was made by students who tested 16 STEM Ambassador finalists of a competition to choose a number who would feature in a series...