Following on from the first series of the Brian Cox schools experiments for primary, the Royal Society has produced a new set of videos and resources based around new and emerging technologies. These new resources cover important topics and introduce teachers to a practical experiment, the commercial application of the technology featured, and the latest research being undertaken by scientists in that area.

Aimed at teachers of students aged 11 to 14, the resources explore genome editing, machine learning and cybersecurity and ocean acidification.    

  • The first video in each topic demonstrates a classroom experiment or activity that can be used to introduce the new technologies being discussed. You will see the teacher explaining how to set up the experiment, what equipment you will need and how you can expand the lesson further. These experiments can all be extended too, into open-ended investigations that can be addressed in STEM clubs for example. They could be simplified to suit a younger class or expanded for a more advanced class.   
  • The second video in each topic shows an industrial application of the topic to give an insight into the commercial uses of the technology now and/or how it could be used in the future.  
  • The third video features an area of research, related to each topic, demonstrating what the future may look like and how scientists are addressing global concerns.   

The second and third videos feature a focus on the skills required to work in these industries or research areas and will give young people an idea of what subjects they need to pursue at school and beyond. These could be a useful tool for careers teachers and form tutors.

For each experiment, printable resources including lesson notes and student worksheets, are available to download.  



Showing 3 result(s)

Genome editing: Do sun and shade plants have different rates of photosynthesis?

This resource provides a set of videos of a practical investigation aimed at supporting working scientifically in the classroom and relating science to real world experiences. In the first video, Professor Brian Cox joins a teacher to find out how some...

Machine learning: What is the effect of data size on a sorting activity?

This resource provides a set of videos and a practical investigation aimed at supporting working scientifically in the classroom and relating science to real world experiences. In the first video Professor Brian Cox joins a teacher in a classroom to demonstrate the setting up and carrying out of the experiment. In...

Ocean acidification: Does carbon dioxide affect the pH of seawater and how does acidity affect the strength of seashells?

This resource provides a set of videos and a practical investigation aimed at supporting working scientifically in the classroom and relating science to real world experiences. In the first video Professor Brian Cox joins a teacher to find out how to set up and run an investigation into the effect of increasing...

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