Resources by National STEM Learning Centre and Network

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Adapting and mitigating for climate change

These videos were part of the STEM Learning Climate Change Teacher Conference, in May 2021. 

In the first video, Alyssa Gilbert, from the Grantham Institute for Climate Change, presents key points on both adaptation (making changes to reduce the impact of climate change) and mitigation (reducing greenhouse...

The Grand Challenges – Our Futures programme (2018 to 2023) aimed to help young people develop the skills needed to bridge the gap between today’s learners and tomorrow’s career choices. The Government’s Industrial Strategy set out key Grand Challenge themes, aimed at putting the UK...

Ageing Society: level 1

This resource forms part of the ageing society resources from the Grand Challenges resource collection.  The introductory video can be found here.

The ageing society – level 1 resource package consists of activities designed to run for around five hours which are...

Ageing Society: level 2

This resource forms part of the ageing society resources from the Grand Challenges resource collection.  The introductory video can be found here.

The ageing society – level 2 resource package consists of activities designed to run for around two to three hours...

Ageing Society: level 3

This resource forms part of the ageing society resources from the Grand Challenges resource collection.  The introductory video can be found here.

The ageing society – level 3 resource package consists of activities designed to run for around two to three hours...

Air Products

A National STEM Learning Centre and Network Engineering Case Studies resource investigating air products and how they can be used.

How do you deliver the right amount of gas to a patient during an operation?

A modern twist on a very old design is the answer. Air Products produce rotameters, which help...

An introduction to electric cars

Steve is a Contract Quality Engineer and in this video he talks about the types of things that car manufacturers are having to consider, when designing and making electric cars.

Steve’s role as a Contracts Quality Engineer involves working mainly with the automotive industry helping clients to develop new...

An introduction to hydrogen fuel cell powered cars

Steve is a Contract Quality Engineer and in this Discover STEM video he introduces the topic of Hydrogen Fuel Cell powered cars and talks about some of the limitations and advantages of the technology.

Steve’s role as a Contracts Quality Engineer involves working mainly with the automotive industry helping...

An investigation of headteachers’ and teachers’ views towards science-specific CPD

Published in April 2013  This report from the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) presents the findings from an investigation into the views of senior staff with responsibility for determining CPD strategy, within schools and further education colleges.    


Animal adaptations

Looking at how animals have adapted to cope with all sorts of conditions. Exploring communication strategies, travel, camouflage and life in challenging settings, and the way humans can learn from animals.


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