Resources by National STEM Learning Centre and Network
Displaying 1 - 10 of 357
10 years of impact on teachers, pupils and schools - lessons in excellent science education
This Impact Summary, published in 2015, showed how for the previous ten years the National Science Learning Network had provided teachers, technicians and other educators with high impact, subject-specific professional development in science and other STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics...
50+ Primary level STEM activities for any classroom
We know that in the current situation, STEM activities may be harder to run, especially with concerns about sharing equipment in groups. We have selected over 50 activities that can be done in any classroom, with very little equipment. These can...
50+ Secondary level STEM activities for any classroom
We know that in the current situation, teaching is taking place in bubbles, where teachers and students will often not have access to laboratory spaces, or equipment. We have selected over 50 activities that can be done in any classroom, with...
This collection is for teachers, technicians, STEM Club leaders and families. It consists of easy to run, short and practical STEM activities which are ideal for any setting; classroom, outside and home. Activities can be adapted to suit the setting or time available and require few resources and materials. Each...
A future STEM
There is a world of opportunities in STEM. Discover STEM heroes who have made a difference in our lives, think critically about how STEM careers are portrayed in films and TV and explore different ways to get into a STEM career.
Part of the Educational research in STEM subjects collection, this is a collection of academic research looking at pedagogy in STEM subjects.
Acticoat (Smith & Nephew)
A National STEM Learning Centre and Network Engineering Case Studies resource investigating the use of metals to kill germs in the treatment of wounds.
'Silver Pants' is a humorous take on a modern application of ancient technology - using metals to kill germs. Smith & Nephew have developed a posh...
Action research for physics programme (ARPP)
Published in May 2011, this report from the University of Southampton, school of education is an evaluation of the Action Research for Physics programme which was organised and managed by the National Network of Science Learning Centres between September 2009 and February 2011....
A set of four presentations, produced jointly by the National STEM Learning Centre and Network and Nuffield Foundation. Aimed at supporting teachers, each presentation offers a set of activities and suggestions for teaching active approaches to level three applied science students.
Adaptation - design a species
How do animals survive in different habitats? This creative activity is designed to teach 7 to 11 year olds about the concept of adaptation – the process whereby a species evolves characteristics that enable it to survive in a particular habitat. Using the marine environment as an example, children learn about how...