Listing all results (10)

Space to Earth Astronaut Training

Tim Peake is a European Space Agency astronaut. This resource gives background to Tim’s training leading up to his mission in 2015/16 to the International Space Station. Tim is shown in survival training, in the swimming pool training for microgravity, and in the centrifuge at the European Astronaut Centre to...

Robotic Telescopes

From the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), this brochure describes the leading role played by UK scientists and engineers at universities, observatories and research council establishments in providing real-time astronomy for research and education. The work of the Liverpool and Faulkes telescopes...

Issue 39: It's in the News! Space Junk

This activity from the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) Primary magazine takes the issue of space junk as its central theme. There are opportunities to develop and understanding of time and time zones, probability, mass, speed and large numbers relating to distances.


space:uk - Spring 2012, Issue 34

From the UK Space Agency, this issue of Space:UK magazine contains a variety of news stories and features on:
*Green planet - how space is helping to save one of the world's more valuable resources
*Space, time and LISA - the UK-built mission to invesitgate...

Cluster: the UK View

Produced by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), this A4 colour brochure describes the leading role played by UK scientists and engineers at universities, observatories and research council establishments in the Cluster mission that is currently exploring the Earth's space environment. The European...

Exit Planet Earth

Produced by the Centre for Science Education, this Science Assessment Task for More Able Students, comprises of two investigations with a space-related theme. Students investigate what needs to be considered if humans are to colonise our solar system.

They look at:

* forces and the force of gravity...

space:uk - Winter 2011, Issue 33

This issue of space:uk, published by the UK Space Agency, focuses on the planet Mercury and the spacecraft being designed and built with the aim of investigating the 'weird' planet. The issue reports on current news stories including the launch of the two Galileo 'In-Orbit Validation' (IOV) spacecraft, new missions...

Solar System Simulation Activity

This activity introduces children to simulations - modelling or acting out real-world, or maybe imaginary, situations. Linking to the teaching of space, it asks what factors need to be considered when simulating the solar system. Out of these, the children then decide what the most important things to include in...

Galaxies *suitable for home teaching*

This resource has been devised by The Royal Observatory Edinburgh with the Institute of Physics Scotland, to inspire secondary science classes. They are mainly used by students aged 11-14 years but can be used from upper primary to upper secondary.

Students investigate galaxies. They use data from real...

Careers Examples and Options

These two Future Morph resources aim to show students that there is a wide choice of options open to those who study sciences and mathematics. The resources consist of:

Career examples list

The list covers six...