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These Six for Six activities, from Siemens, enhance key stage three pupils' understanding of energy. The key idea with the activities is to get students to engage with ideas about energy and to apply them to a range of different contexts....

The key ideas contained in this 'Six for Six' resource from Siemens involves getting pupils thinking about how we get the power we need to support the wide variety of functions we have come to rely...

The key idea with these activities from Siemens is to get students thinking about the challenges associated with organising transport. They will have first-hand experience of issues relating to transport, whether in terms of convenience, cost or...

This Catalyst article presents six different images of Mercury, the planet nearest the Sun. Mercury has been visited by two probes. The most recent, Messenger, orbited the planet 4000 times in four years before crashing into its...

Aimed at primary level, this pack contains a range of different activities which take sixty seconds and are intended to stretch the imagination. The activities cover a mixture of topics including: materials and their properties, Earth and space, forces, living things and their habitats, mathematical puzzles and...

Produced by ARKive, this series of activities is designed to teach children about measurement and the different sizes of animal and plant species. Children compare their estimates of a species’ length to its actual dimensions and compare it to their own heights. In the first session, children work individually or...

The effective use of the Gravity Jet Suit requires a high level of control, for the pilot, over their core, leg and arm muscles.  This resource explains that biomechanics is the synergy between muscles and bones and shows some of the joints used in flying in the suit.

The resources in this Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) collection look at the aerodynamic characteristics of objects. Students explore the requirements of aerodynamic design through testing simple shapes in a wind tunnel. The activities focus on students acquiring an understanding of aerodynamics...

Produced by Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, this activity enables students to consider how techniques and methods for storing information have developed since prehistoric times. This looks at storage methods such as memory, drawings, written texts and digital media.

Students look at why the development...

Produced by Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, this activity is about information storage and retrieval, about books and journals and about comparing print with electronic information storage.

Students carry out...

These activities, produced by Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, help students to practise gathering information from the internet. Students are challenged with a series of science-related questions and must use the internet to find the answers. This requires students to consider the best key words to use and...

Produced by Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, this activity helps students to consider the reliability of information found on websites.

In a directed activity, students are encouraged to consider features of web sites such as:

* Is it up to date?
* Is it easy to find the information you...

Produced by Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, in this activity students first carry out an Internet search to find websites that would be helpful in answering specific questions about a science topic. They evaluate the usefulness and reliability of different websites. In the second part of the activity,...

These activities, produced by Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, help students to see the importance of the library as a source of information for printed materials on a wide variety of topics. There is a particular focus on the science and technology sections.

The activity seeks to develop students'...

This activity, from the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, helps students to develop their skills in assessing information. Students consider what they need to look for in an information source to be sure that it is reliable. Students consider the peer review process of a professional journal and compare this...
