- View more resources from this publisherGatsby Science Enhancement Programme
Skill 1.1 The Information Revolution
Produced by Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, this activity is about information storage and retrieval, about books and journals and about comparing print with electronic information storage.
Students carry out searches for information, which can be done in the context of the topic being studied. There are three sections to this activity:
Part 1 - searching for information in the library and finding out about serial numbers of books and journals. Students consider the use of ISBN and ISSN numbers.
Part 2 - search the on-line British Library catalogue and learn about refining a search.
Part 3 – small groups of students research and present information.
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Skill 1.1 (teachers' notes) 172.55 KB
Activity 1.1 (Word) 197.19 KB
Activity 1.1 (PDF) 285.61 KB
Web links (biology) 20.39 KB
Web links (chemistry) 20.39 KB
Web links (physics) 20.36 KB
Web links (applied science) 20.37 KB
Skill area 1 (teachers' guide) 227.1 KB