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This short ...

This lesson links aspects of states of matter to the use of bubbles to deliver drugs to cancerous tissue, and is appropriate to students aged 12- 14. Most children will be familiar with soapy bubbles consisting of gas surrounded by a film of moisture. This lesson looks at the formation of bubbles that contain...

This resource provides a set of videos and a practical investigation aimed at supporting experimental science in the classroom and relating it to real world experiences. In the first video Professor Brian Cox joins a teacher to find out how to set up and run an investigation to find out the time it takes for...

These activities have been developed for the National HE STEM Programme to be used in conjunction with the video resources found in this collection.


In this module students will study barnacle morphology, life histories and life styles as Darwin did. He based his classification and search for a common ancestor upon his studies. Recent work using genetic and molecular evidence and scanning electron microscopy shows how some of the key difficulties in drawing the...

This activity asks students to consider the biology of cancer, and to use the information they research to produce a document summarising their main points. Dr Eleanor Stride is developing a treatment for cancer that encloses cancer treating drugs in bubbles that can be directed by magnetic fields to the cancer...

Produced by the Wellcome Trust, this issue of the Big Picture explores some of the careers that are available to students who have studied biological science. It goes...

Produced for Future Morph, these resources consist of a short video and an accompanying classroom activity. In the video, a First Diploma in Animal Care student describes her work on the course. She illustrates how the course gives experience relevent to working in a range of environments including farming, zoos...

Produced for Future Morph, these resources contain a video in which a student talks about her apprenticeship course in electrical installation at Exeter college. She describes the entry qualifications needed for her course, contrasts her experiences at college compared to school and briefly mentions health and...


Produced for Future Morph, these resources include a video and a classroom activity. In the video, two First Diploma in Horticulture students show how they repot plants and describe the display they helped to produce for the Devon County show. A classroom activity encourages students to clone a plant by taking...

Produced for Future Morph, this short video shows the activities of a student studying a National Diploma in Land Based Technology at Bicton College. The student describes how the course develops skills in the maintenance and repair of machinery such as tractors, commercial vehicles and other agricultural...

Produced for Future Morph, this resource contains a video in which an apprentice plumber talks about his work in a renewable energy company installing solar water panels. The theory and practicals he learns in college is applied in the workplace. A second activity looks at a demonstration that illustrates the...

Produced for Future Morph, this video sees an apprentice in service engineering talk about his work. Service engineers are mechanical engineers who work on equipment such as engines and gearboxes. The student describes how his attendance at college fits with his job in an engineering business and allows him to...

Produced for Future Morph, these materials contain a video clip showing a student talking about his National Diploma course in Sport and Exercise Science. He describes how science, physiology and psychology are important aspects of his studies as well as the careers his course can lead on to.

