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This is a series of interactive excel sheets exploring fractions. Topics covered include equivalence, comparing fractions, and converting fractions to decimals, recognising and ordering fractions and calculating fractions of amounts. Answers can be checked each time and...

This series of interactive excel sheets explore fractions and decimals. Answers can be checked each time and new questions generated at the click of a button.

The first sheet explores tenths, hundredths and thousandths. Click to highlight the digits that make up a number and with a second click the value or...

This resource contains two excel files dealing with various aspects of fractions, decimals and percentages.

Fractions, Decimals, Percentage...

This series of interactive excel sheets explore fractions, decimals and percentages. Answers can be checked each time and new questions generated at the click of a button.

In the first sheet selecting a denominator...

This series of interactive excel sheets aimed at Year Two students explores fractions. Answers can be checked each time and new questions generated at the click of a button.

The first sheet shows six shapes split into...

This series of interactive excel sheets aimed at Year Five students explores fractions. Answers can be checked each time and new questions generated at the click of a button.

The first sheet gives a series of ’mixed...

This series of interactive excel sheets aimed at Year six students explores fractions. Answers can be checked each time and new questions generated at the click of a button.

In the first sheet students have to match...

This series of interactive excel sheets aimed at Year Three students explores fractions. Answers can be checked each time and new questions generated at the click of a button.

The first sheet shows a circle split into...

This selection of spreadsheets, designed by the Primary National Strategies to aid teaching and learning, tackles a variety of topics.

[b]4 numbers[/b] has a two by two grid with the sums of the columns and rows shown. The task is to find out what the numbers in the grid are. There are three levels of...

This selection of spreadsheets, designed by the Primary National Strategies to aid teaching and learning, tackles number in a variety of ways.

[b]Number grid generator[/b] has three spreadsheets and a guidance file. They allow numbers to be generated, by choosing a start number and a step, that can be used...

This sample of interactive pages, from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching (CIMT), is taken from the Year Four Practice Book. The pages allow students to work on a computer, which also checks their responses and gives appropriate feedback.

The topics covered in these resources include finding...

This sample of interactive pages, from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching (CIMT), is taken from the Year Four Practice Book. The pages allow students to work on a computer which, also checks their responses and gives appropriate feedback.


Interactive Teaching Programs (ITPs) are an ICT-based tool developed by the National Strategies to support the teaching of key concepts in mathematics. Where available, manuals which describe how the ITP works and could be used are posted as separate files.

This group of ITPs cover:

  • Area: allows...

Interactive Teaching Programs (ITPs) are an ICT-based tool developed by the National Strategies to support the teaching of key concepts in mathematics. Where available, manuals which describe how the ITP works and could be used are posted as separate files.

This section includes ITPs that cover:


Interactive Teaching Programs (ITPs) are an ICT-based tool developed by the National Strategies to support the teaching of key concepts in mathematics. Where available, manuals which describe how the ITP works and could be used are posted as separate files.

This section includes:

  • Number spinners...
