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This collection of resources supports the International Women in Engineering Day, and provides some case studies of women working in engineering roles, and highlights some career opportunities. There are also resources which discuss gender stereotyping in the classroom.

This collection of resources have been collated to support the United Nations International day of women and girls in science which recognises the critical role women play in science and technology, and promotes full and equal access and participation in STEM subjects for women and girls.

The first items in...

The ‘introduction to Fixperts ’ section of the Fixpert's resource introduces the Fixpert framework and how it breaks down the design process into 6 stages. It provides examples of schemes of work, curriculum links and a set of frequently asked questions. A student log book is also provided that students can use to...

A presentation highlighting seven strategies for behaviour management.

This report aimed to identify practical examples of good practice that promote good behaviour and that can be adopted by all schools. The authors identified aspects of practice that create the right conditions for good behaviour to be learnt. The authors further comment that whilst school staff work hard to support...

This report, commissioned by the Royal Academy of Engineering (the Academy), explores the ways schools can create better and more engaging learning opportunities for would-be engineers.

This report identifies four principles that underpin the kinds of teaching that are most...

From the London Engineering Project, this document gives practical advice to practitioners about gender and cultural diversity, and suggests good practice in technology and engineering delivery.

The National STEM Learning Centre and Network supports the teaching and learning of science, design and technology, computing, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education in schools and colleges throughout the United Kingdom, from primary level to post-16.


In this video from Osiris Educational Bill Rodgers discusses his...

Students can take this online quiz to find out in a few short questions how their skills and passions could lead to an exciting job in engineering.


Meet the future you


Please note, this link will take you to an...

This is a guide for students of all ages, with suggested STEM inspiration and career resources to explore at home, including podcasts, competitions and days out.

This collection offers a selection of videos and career profiles to highlight the breath of STEM careers available. Some of the resources include experiments and classroom activities linked to the career theme, such as the Brian Cox school experiment...

In 2015-16, the regional Network has been found to have sustained a strong upward trajectory in the amount of CPD that it is delivering, increasing its level of CPD delivery by 45% compared to 2014-15, and surpassing the levels of CPD delivery achieved in previous years.  

The Network has also forged new...

In 2012, the Olympic and Paralympic games will be held in London. These resources look at a wide range of topics that can all be linked to the games. They cover science, technology, engineering and mathematics and can be used in individual lessons or as part of a cross-curricular Olympic and Paralympic theme.


This study unit offers some practical strategies that teachers use to improve the climate for learning. The techniques suggested are tried and tested; they draw on both academic research and the experience of practising teachers.

