Resources by ESERO-UK
Displaying 121 - 130 of 224
Principia mission - maths in space
On December 15th 2015 European Space Agency astronaut Tim Peake launched on the six month Principia mission to the International Space Station (ISS). Principia was named after Isaac Newton’s Naturalis Principia Mathematica, describing the principal laws of motion and gravity.
The education and inspiration of...
Resources for Teaching Astronomy in UK Schools
This School Science Review article looks at a selection of resources currently available for use in the teaching of astronomy in UK schools. It is by no means an exhaustive list but it highlights a variety of free resources that can be used in the classroom to help engage students of all ages with astronomy and...
Rosetta - primary resource book
The Rosetta spacecraft was sent on a mission to comet 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Part of its mission was to deploy a lander, Philae, on the surface of the comet. This resource is also downloadable in the Welsh Language.
The resource contains seven activities themed around the mission:
Rosetta and Comets
This animation features Paxi, the European Space Agency mascot, following Comet 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the comet that was followed by the Rosetta spacecraft in 2014/15. Paxi explains how comets orbit the Sun and what happens as they approach it. Paxi shows how Rosetta can take pictures of the comet and...
After a ten-year journey through deep space, the European Space Agency’s Rosetta spacecraft become the first spacecraft to rendezvous with a comet. These activities are designed to help children from ages 4 - 11 learn more about our Solar System and beyond, generate enthusiasm for science and perhaps give them a...
The Rosetta spacecraft was sent on a mission to comet 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Part of its mission was to deploy a lander, Philae, on the surface of the comet. The resource contains seven activities themed around the mission: The Planets: Using interactive games, children will learn to recognise the names of the...
Saturn V Rocket Lift-off, Showing Staging
This clip, from Footagevault, could be used for teaching Key Stage Three and Four content on energy, electricity and forces, or chemical and material behaviour. The film clip dramatically shows Newton's Third Law of Motion in action, "to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction...". The footage...
The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) is an independent, non-departmental public body. It is a science-driven organisation, making it possible for a broad range of scientists to do the highest quality research tackling some of the most fundamental scientific questions. This collection contains...
Seeing Temperatures
This activity allows students to investigate how images are produced from data streams by using first a spreadsheet and then an image-processing program. They then go on to see how the usefulness of such a monochromatic image may be enhanced by using lookup tables and calibration. The materials used focus on the...
Sensors and logic
In this session students will create a logic circuit to represent a Mars rover MOT. They will identify the necessary logic gates and consider numerous inputs, which will be combined and traversed in person. They will make the link between truth tables and undertake testing and some simplification to reduce the...