After a ten-year journey through deep space, the European Space Agency’s Rosetta spacecraft become the first spacecraft to rendezvous with a comet. These activities are designed to help children from ages 4 - 11 learn more about our Solar System and beyond, generate enthusiasm for science and perhaps give them a taste of the excitement a career in the Space Industry. The investigative activities and images have clear links with the Rosetta mission and provide a sequence that helps children to explore the secrets of the universe in practical ways, involving the use of key skills.
Rosetta and Comets
This animation features Paxi, the European Space Agency mascot, following Comet 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the comet that was followed by the Rosetta spacecraft in 2014/15. Paxi explains how comets orbit the Sun and what happens as they approach it. Paxi shows how Rosetta can take pictures of the comet and...