- View more resources from this publisherQueen Mary University of London
- View more resources from this publisherNichola Wilkin Ltd
Session 2: Bitmap Images
In this session you will look at how images are made on computers using picture elements or, more commonly known as, pixels. If you have access to a computer you can follow the computer based activity. If you do not then you can follow the unplugged activity. Either way you will begin a journey into understanding how computers display images.
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Instructions - Session 2 154.93 KB
Wokrsheet 100.65 KB
Worksheet answers 100.63 KB
Colour by number 1 142.18 KB
Colour by number 1 - Solutions 115.95 KB
Colour by number 2 242.3 KB
Colour by number 2 - Solutions 288.68 KB