Whole School Mathematics Projects
This resource from SMILE contains eight projects to enrich students' experiences of mathematics.
The projects are:
Fair and unfair games - applying ideas of probability
Fractals - investigating area, perimeter, ratio and the concept of infinity
Mappings - exploring the connections between number, algebra and graphs
Mathemagic - number tricks leading to algebraic proof
Modular codes - long division, investigating modular arithmetic
Problem solving - in a competitive team context
Quadrilaterals and triangles - geometric properties with an emphasis on justification
What's on TV - testing hypothesis by collecting and presenting data.
Each project:
- focuses on mathematical process
- stresses the importance of justification and proof
- encourages mathematical discussion
- fosters the development of mathematical vocabulary and incorporates whole class teaching, collaborative group work and a plenary session
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Whole school mathematics projects 22.35 MB