SMILE Mathematics Books

SMILE (Secondary Mathematics Individualised Learning Experiment) was initially developed as a series of practical activities for secondary school students by practising teachers in the 1970's.

These mathematics books are intended to be not only a source of ideas but to be a flexible resource that can be adapted to different circumstances and ability groups. They cover Key Stages Two, Three and Four.

Each of these books is a standalone resource full of ideas and suggestions, many of which have been collected or trialled by practising teachers.



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Two resources from SMILE Mathematics containing a number of good ideas for use in the classroom. Each case study is accompanied by at least one commentary from a teacher explaining how they used the idea. Each activity has information about how long the activity will last, what preparation is required, what...

Two resources from SMILE Mathematics containing a wealth of activities ideal for use as starter activities or as part of a plenary. Both resources concentrate upon topics from number such as four rules of number, fractions, decimals, percentages, place value and types of number.

Two resources from SMILE Mathematics containing ideas which can be used for assessment. Revision for GCSE Through Groupwork consists of a number of cards which groups can use to test their knowledge. The Question Cards for Assessment consist of statements describing the mathematics being assessed together with...

Handling Data

This collection of handling data resources, produced by SMILE Mathematics, contains a variety of practical ideas for use in the classroom. Real Data: Statistics for Key Stage Three contains a number of project ideas that require students to collect and represent data to suppport a given hypothesis. Discussing data...


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