Resources by SMILE

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This SMILE resource contains three packs of games, investigations, worksheets and practical activities supporting the teaching and learning of 3-D shapes, from folding nets to make cubes to making a dodecahedron.

3-D pack one contains seven work cards with a wide variety of activities...

Activity Books

This collection from SMILE contains resources with a variety of activities for students from Key Stages Two to Four.

They cover mathematical reasoning to develop thinking skills, using spreadsheets, whole school projects and transition from Key Stage Two to Three.

The mathematics in SMILE is presented in the form of practical activities, games and investigations. They encourage an independent approach and are suitable for students from Key Stage 2 to 4

The Activity List identifies the card number and title, the attainment target, an abbreviation of the topic and the...


This SMILE resource contains three packs of games, investigations, worksheets and practical activities supporting the teaching and learning of addition, ranging from simple number bonds to dealing with decimals in context.

Addition pack one contains fifteen work cards with activities on...


This SMILE collection contains twelve resources of games, investigations, worksheets and practical activities supporting the teaching of algebra.

The resources cover algebraic structure, equations, graphs, mappings, number and algebra, patterns and generalisations, sequences, and using graphs.

SMILE (...

Algebra Makes Sense

This resource from SMILE contains twenty activities focusing on algebra. The activities address different aspects of algebra and are appropriate for a range of learning styles and abilities. The activities in order of difficulty are:

Mapping jigsaws - laws of arithmetic and inverse...

This resource from SMILE contains twenty activities focusing on algebra. The activities address different aspects of algebra and are appropriate for a range of learning styles and abilities. 

Algebraic Structure

This SMILE resource contains three packs of games, investigations, worksheets and practical activities supporting the teaching and learning of algebraic structure, from forming simple formulae to changing the subject of a formula.

Algebraic structure pack one contains nine work cards with a...

Analysing and Interpreting Data

This SMILE resource contains two packs of games, investigations, worksheets and practical activities supporting the teaching and learning of analysing and interpreting data, from reading information from a bar chart to interpreting cumulative frequency graph.

Analysing and interpreting data pack one...


This SMILE resource contains two packs of games, investigations, worksheets and practical activities supporting the teaching and learning of angle, from identifying right angles to working with bearings.

Angle pack one contains eight work cards with a wide variety of activities covering...


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