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Recycling and Sustainability

This booklet is part of the ‘Innovations in Practical Work’ series published by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme (SEP). ‘Sustainability’ is about using resources in a way that does not deplete them. An increased emphasis on renewable energy is part of the move to greater sustainability, but so is the idea of waste reduction.

The booklet provides an overview of waste management, with particular focus on the different processes used in the recovery of materials from waste and on the end use of recycled materials. It also provides a practical introduction to the physics behind the processes used to separate waste materials.

The Recycling and Sustainability booklet contains an illustrated overview of the topic with suggestions for teachers on how to introduce the ideas in the classroom, plus student activity sheets and notes for teachers and technicians.

The downloadable resources include:

• Student activities: zip files containing the activity sheets in PDF and editable Word formats.

• PowerPoint presentations: these contain a complete set of the images used in the booklet and activity sheets.

The ‘Innovations in Practical Work’ publications are supported by low-cost practical resources available from Mindsets

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