Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme resources

The SEP (Science Enhancement Programme) was set up in 1998, by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, to develop innovative, low-cost resources to enhance secondary science education, and provide support for science teachers. An extensive set of publications was produced including SEP’s range of high-quality publications includes booklets, CD-ROMs, DVDs and animations. They offered teachers guidance on introducing new approaches in the classroom, along with student activity sheets and interactive resources.

SEP’s focus was on promoting inspiring and challenging practical work, and its ‘Innovations in Practical Work’ series of publications in particular aimed to extend the range of stimulating practical activities for students aged 11 to 16.

Th publications have been grouped into the following themes:

  • How science works  
  • Matter and change
  • Materials by design
  • Energy and power
  • Electricity, magnetism and forces
  • Waves and radiation
  • Professional development



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How Science Works is one of the publication themes of the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme.

Recent changes in the curriculum have emphasised the importance of developing in students an understanding of what scientists do, the nature of science, and the way that science relates to the broader society. SEP...

Matter and Change is one of the publication themes of the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme.

One of the most fundamental ideas that students should learn in science is that ‘stuff’ is made from atoms – the enormous variety of different kinds of materials that they see around them arises from a relatively...

Materials by Design is one of the publication themes of the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme.

The earliest artefacts made by humans used whatever materials were naturally to hand. The materials selected were those that had the appropriate properties for the job that needed to be done. Increasingly, as...

Energy and Power is one of the publication themes of the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme.

Understanding the energy concept is central to an understanding of science. It also happens to be a particularly difficult concept to explain. SEP has developed a series of publications that provide clear and...
