Tim Peake Project Activities
This list supports the Tim Peake Primary Project, containing resources which link to many aspects of the curriculum and to Tim Peake's mission to the International Space Station. Including background information, key subject knowledge and activities for use in the classroom, they offer a range of opportunities to help children and teachers become more aware of space and the opportunities this may hold in the future. Ideas include lessons with a focus on science, geography, PE, mathematics and art.
Further resources are available on the Tim Peake page.
Is There Anyone Out There?
This resource contains fun experiments that help children learn the skills of practical investigation. Analyse martian soil samples to find evidence of life, investigate craters and volcanoes and find the best site for a Mars rover. An excellent way of working scientifically using space as a context.
The Great British Space Dinner
A wealth of resources, including videos and activity ideas. The primary school collection will help support learning more about healthy eating, health and cooking – all through the exciting context of space.
Mission X: train like an astronaut (training brochure)
This free education programme developed by NASA scientists and fitness professional working with astronaut and space agencies across the world uses the excitement of space exploration to inspire students to learn more about nutrition, exercise, science and space exploration.
Designed for 8 -14 year olds, the challenges can be adapted for younger age groups.
They look at:
- Science Challenges relating to bone density, hydration and nutrition
- PE Challenges which look at the implications of living and working in a microgravity environment.
Imaging the Earth
Linking to many aspects of geography this lesson uses satellite images of the Earth to identify various locations on the Earth. The images could almost be postcards from TimP eake showing his view from the ISS as he travels around the Earth.
The activities build map skills and recognition of physical geography features in familiar and unfamiliar locations. Mathematics activities focused on scale and using coordinates sit alongside digital literacy tasks requiring analysis of web-based sources for research. Children will also learn about the important role played by satellites in disaster relief.
Links could also be made to Literacy with children writing postcards from space showing the view and describing what they see, or talking about some aspect of life on the ISS.
International Space Station (ISS) Education Kit - Primary
A great resource with lots of ideas for planning lessons across the curriculum using space as a stimulus.
Looks at life in space and what is it like to live and work on board the International Space Station.
It includes: background information, worksheets, colour posters and a teachers' guide.
Rosetta - primary resource book
Resources for all ages of primary children from 5-11. They look at many aspects of Earth and Space.
The solar panels activity could help children understand more about the solar panels on the International Space Station. The Soft landing activity could be linked to Tim’s re-entry.
These short animations tell the story of Rosetta and Philae and are a great introduction to running activities.
Look to the Future: the Future Needs STEM
This careers pack, for primary schools, uses space as a context to highlight the importance of STEM subjects. It highlights some of the STEM career opportunities available so that children can explore the breadth of jobs opportunities available.
Containing seven activities which also link to many aspects of PSHE, children look at the skills and qualities required for various jobs and the impostance of communication, teamwork and problem solving.
In activity 5 they create a personalised ‘crew patch’ for a space mission that shows their interests, strengths and hopes for the future.
Space Case - Borrow the spacecraft materials kit
This activity has been created for use with the ‘Space Case’, a specially designed resource box available from Space Ambassadors working with schools on the Tim Peake Primary Project. Investigate properties of materials and decide which would be suitable for use on a spacecraft, in this resource aimed at upper primary children. Children investigate eleven materials looking at mass, magnetic attraction, impact tests, electrical and thermal conductivity. They plan tests, record their findings and draw their own conclusions. Finally reporting back on which materials they think are most suitable for the satellite and why.
Principia Space Diary
The Principia Mission Space Diary aims to help children find out more about the Principia mission, to strengthen literacy and visual literacy skills and engage children in STEM learning.
The diary is supported over the six months of Tim's mission by lesson plans released each month. The first set of teaching notes accompanies this resource, to ensure that you receive the lesson plans for the next six months sign up here.
Tim Peake Project: Stickers
This resource contains a sheet of fifty four space themed printable stickers. The stickers have been designed specially for the Tim Peake Primary Project
EO Detective 7-11
Aimed at primary learners, these resources link to aspects of mathematics, geography, science and computing.The activities use early astronaut photographs to encourage children to think about what features on the Earth look like from space, and satellite images to enable students to measure the growth of a city and the shrinking of a glacier.
The magic of light
This set of eight enquiry-based activities aimed at 8-10 year olds allows pupils to study light and colour using spectroscopes and colour wheels. Pupils work individually or in groups to build a spectroscope that can be used to look at light sources. They look at the composition of white light and how complex colours are made up of combinations of the three basic colours (red, green and blue). They can then make their own complex colours by mixing basic colours in a colour wheel, and can make white light with a colour wheel containing all the colours of the rainbow.
Principia mission - maths in space
In this collection of mathematics resources children explore familiar and unfamiliar mathematical ideas relating to Tim’s Principia mission, including estimation, measures, combinations, permutations and probability. The resource comes in three packs that each focus on different areas of the principia mission, Pack 1 relates most to the primary curriculum and includes calculating how much you eat, exploring how to get six months’ worth of food to the International Space Station.
Paxi animations
This collection of short animations introduce us to Paxi, the alien explorer and European Space Agency mascot. Paxi introduces himself, then explores the Solar System, investigates comets and looks at how scientists aim to find out if there is evidence for life on Mars. These animations are a great introduction to learning about space and ESA missions in a way that is accessible to children.
Once upon a time
Follow the adventures of Rosetta and Philae, in this animated adventure of chasing and landing on comets.