- View more resources from this publisherInstitution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
- View more resources from this publisherDerbyshire County Council
Look to the Future: the Future Needs STEM
This careers pack, for primary schools, uses space as a context to highlight the importance of STEM subjects. The resource has been written to highlight some of the STEM career opportunities available so that students, teachers and school communities can discuss and explore, from an earlier age, the breadth of jobs opportunities available.
There are seven activities included in the booklet:
- Activity 1 – Skills and Qualities: to examine what skills and qualities mean and why they are important
- Activity 2a and 2b - Communication: to identify the importance of clear communication in jobs people do
- Activity 3 – Teamwork: to identify the importance of teamwork in jobs people do
- Activity 4 – Problem solving: to identify the importance of problem solving and decision making
- Activity 5 – Crew Patch Design: create a personalised ‘crew patch’ that will help you identify your interests, strengths and hopes for the future
- Activity 6 – Space Spin Offs: to make connections between an object connected with space and an invention used on
- Earth Activity 7 – Where can STEM take you?: to explore and research possible future careers
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