The videos in this collection from teachers TV are aimed at secondary school science practitioners. They contain materials that can be used in the classroom, as stimulus material.

Clips in this section cover a wide range of topics, including:
* astronomy, space and the solar system
* Earth science
* genes, genetics and ethical implications
* how science works
* sound
* climate change
* elements, reactivity and the chemistry of fireworks
* renewable energy
* variation and classification



Showing 43 result(s)

Models of the Solar System, Earth, Sun and Moon

Produced by Teachers TV, as part of the Teaching Astronomy and Space series, this video looks at the science behind our solar system and how astronomers are exploring it.

Physics teacher and solar astronomer Simon...

Fighting HIV: The Issue

From teachers TV, this video helps students to understand HIV/AIDS and some of the developments in its treatment. In this programme we meet Clint as he meets with various top scientists to find out about the science behind HIV and AIDS.


Cancer and the Genome: The Issue

Produced by Teachers TV, this video shows the story of Sarah Walsh, a young woman living with melanoma. This is the third most common cancer in the 15 to 39 years old age group. The video describes the disease and explores questions such as what is cancer, why does it...

Stem Cell Research: The Issue

This resource, from Teachers TV, describes the use of stem cell research in the development of treatments for disease such as Parkinson's disease.

Stephen Cuff suffers from Parkinson's Disease. The video describes...
