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The Moon

These resources cover a variety of activities linked to the theme of the Moon.

Tim Peake

A selection of resources where you can find out more about British Astronaut Tim Peake and his mission to space. 

Papercraft satellites

This activity has been designed to help pupils understand the different applications of satellites in the field of Earth observation. Scientists use the data collected by these satellites to monitor changes in environments across the planet.

There are three satellites that pupils can build:

  • ...

The Moon Camp Challenge is an educational and inspirational project run by ESA and Airbus Foundation, in partnership with Autodesk. These supporting classroom activities focus on learning-by-design and science experimentation. Students will develop a number of scientific experiments related to the Moon and apply...

These secondary level resources support the Moon Camp Challenge.

Code your mission to Mars

Pupils can explore the characteristics of the surface of planet Mars and will learn how to navigate a planetary robotic vehicle on to it. The resource focuses on coding and uses Open Roberta Lab which is an online simulation tool. Pupils will become familiar with the main characteristics of the Martian surface and...

A week in the life of an astronaut

In this logbook resource pupils will learn about a typical week in the life of an astronaut. They will identify how life is different on Earth than it is in space and compare their daily activities, exercise and nutrition to that of ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti.

Could we live on Mars?: comparing Mars and Earth

In this activity, pupils compare Earth and Mars in the context of geography and science. They will begin by comparing the positions of both planets in the solar system, and end by designing their own life forms that could potentially survive on Mars.

The EUCLID space telescope mission

This curriculum linked resource, for primary children and their teachers, is based on the exciting real-life launch of the Euclid space telescope. Through simple models and practical activities, the children are introduced to the work of space scientists seeking to discover more about our universe.


Exploring Mars - key stage 3

In this resource, students use real data to explore the conditions on Mars, and use their knowledge of the red planet to answer the question “Should humans or robots explore Mars in the future?”

The resource contains two activities:

  • Conditions on Mars - students use real data and their...
