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This edition of the Computing at School (CAS) newsletter covers a range of topics including:

*Unplugged computing magic tricks

*Programming using Alice, Scratch and GameMaker

*Making games with Kodu

*Object oriented programming in Java with Greenfoot

This booklet contains a number of very briefly described algorithms, which students are then expected to analyse, develop an algorithm for and then implement in a language of their choice. Each section contains success descriptors at three different levels which could be adapted to meet the requirements of an...

Machine learning is a system where rather than a computer programmer deciding the best way to sort, organise, classify or use information, the computer program develops its own set of instructions (algorithm) based on information that users feed it.  Scientists at the...

This resource has been developed by the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) and the BCS Academy of Computing. It will seek to consolidate learners’ understanding of modern information systems concepts, through study of web technologies, including HTML.

Whilst this resource has been designed to be used as a...

This resource consists of a ten page student workbook and some associated resources. The workbook is designed to be used with Key Stage 3 students over a number of lessons, to introduce them to the concept of algorithms, to make them used to following instructions given as an algorithm and to start producing their...

The BBC micro:bit is a credit sized computer based on a highly popular and high performance ARM processor. The device is designed by a group of 29 partners for use in...

The BBC micro:bit is a credit sized computer based on a highly popular and high performance ARM processor. The device is designed by a group of 29 partners for use in...

This book is about the use of the BBC micro:bit computer in practical projects. The BBC micro:bit computer can be programmed using several different programming languages...

This book is about the use of the BBC micro:bit computer in practical projects. The BBC micro:bit computer can be programmed using several different programming languages...

This book is about the use of the BBC micro:bit computer with external devices, such as sensors, LEDs, buzzers and so on. The BBC micro:bit computer can be programmed...

Computers are often required to find information in large collections of data. They need to develop quick and efficient ways of doing this. This activity demonstrates three different search methods: linear searching, binary searching and hashing. This resource begins with the introductory activity of battleships....

Even though computers are fast, there is a limit to how quickly they can solve problems. One way to speed things up is to use several computers to solve different parts of a problem. In this activity sorting networks are used to do several sorting comparisons at the same time. This resource begins with a discussion...


A Beginner's Guide to Coding...

This archive document guides teachers introducing Logo to the computing classroom. While some sections may refer to outdated technologies, many of the techniques and learning outcomes remain relevant to users of any Logo platform. The activities begin with simple drawing using the turtle and pen, and progress...

The cs4fn magazine is a magazine on the fun side of all things to do with computer science. The authors write up computing research in a fun and accessible way that puts across their enthusiasm for the subject. Unplugged computing, computational thinking and practical applications of computers in many areas are...
