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This matching activity from the Core Maths Support Programme covers the definitions of different measures of location and dispersion. 

The teachers' notes suggest that it may be used as a starter or for revision, as well as including more information and teaching suggestions for...

This Core Maths revision exercise gives the opportunity for students to practise calculating different measures of location and dispersion, and to interpret their results. 

The activity sheet contains discrete data and grouped data questions, including some where students are...

This Core Maths revision activity explores how to calculate and interpret different measures of location and dispersion.

It covers calculations with raw data, discrete frequency distributions and grouped frequency distributions. Students calculate averages, standard deviation...

The BBC micro:bit is a great tool for carrying out surveys that involve quickly counting and recording one or two variables. Using the button inputs provides a simple interface to the device allowing, for instance, quick tallying of the numbers of two different types of bee around a plant. Other examples might...

This Core Maths task explores the Normal distribution through looking at the weights of new born babies.

Baby boom: Teacher guidance
This teacher guidance gives an overview of the task including prior student knowledge, suggested approaches and possible extensions.


This activity can be used to explore the relationship between shape and hydrodynamics (resistance).

Curriculum links include aerodynamics, resistance, forces, buoyancy and thrust. There are a number of useful links to...

This Free-standing Mathematics Activity from the Nuffield Foundation is designed as a game to give students practice in working with money, entering items onto a bank statement and calculating the balance. To play the game, cards are placed face down in a pile. Students then take turns to turn over a card, enter...

This resource is based on two aspects of the design of bar codes used for products on sale in shops. The first aspect is that of a check digit and how it works; the second aspect is that of the actual design for the strips of numbers that make up bar codes. This...

This MEP resource from CIMT is taken from text book 9A which covers the mathematics scheme of work for the first half of year 9.

Base arithmetic covers: binary numbers, adding and subtracting binary numbers, multiplying binary numbers and other number bases.

The initial file forms part of the...

Three RISP activities designed to introduce or consolidate basic algebraic skills.

Brackets Out, Brackets In: students are asked to insert integers into a statement containing brackets in order to...

This resource contains two interactive excel files dealing with trigonometry in right angled triangles. Each interactive file has the same further 13 sheets of questions which may be suitable for use in the classroom.


This Nuffield exploration is a simulation of a booking system for a small guesthouse. Students have to manage the bookings and, as far as possible, arrange to give people the accommodation they request.

The key...

These activities have been developed for the National HE STEM Programme to be used in conjunction with the video resources found in this collection.


This activity for younger children introduces algorithms and algorithmic thinking. After first planning how to draw numbers using the simple commands available, children then program a BeeBot to create the shapes (BeeBots are a type of simple programmable rover). By watching and feeding back on each other's efforts...

For lower-primary children with some understanding of algorithms, this Barefoot Computing activity uses a basic robot (BeeBot) to show how algorithms are executed as stored programs on digital devices. Simple sequences of instructions are given to the BeeBot to 'write' numbers. These algorithms are represented by...
