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The Grand Challenges – Our Futures programme (2018 to 2023) aimed to help young people develop the skills needed to bridge the gap between today’s learners and tomorrow’s career choices. The Government’s Industrial Strategy set out key Grand Challenge themes, aimed at putting the UK...

These technical briefs look at agricultural production in many parts of the world, carried out on a small-scale by farmers. Relatively small improvements in agricultural practice can have a big impact on yield and dramatically improve the life of a farmer and their family.

Technical briefs are documents...

Produced by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service, these materials introduce students to circuit symbols. They develop their knowledge and understanding of circuit symbols and components through a range of short, interactive learning activities. These are particularly useful to reinforce, or consolidate,...


National Health Service celebrates it's birthday on 5 July.

When it was founded in 1948, the NHS was the first universal health system to be available to all, free at the point of delivery. Since then, the NHS has delivered Britain’s first heart transplant in 1958, Europe’s first liver transplant in 1968, ...

When it was founded in 1948, the NHS was the first universal health system to be available to all, free at the point of delivery. Since then, the NHS has delivered Britain’s first heart transplant in 1958, Europe’s first liver transplant in 1968, the world’s first CT scan on a...

This set of ten video case studies, from around 2010, illustrate a range of technician roles that use science and mathematics. The examples feature young college students and apprentices who talk about their area of study or work and who have a clear career route in mind. 

The case studies cover:


Leading behaviour...

The Grand Challenges – Our Futures programme (2018 to 2023) aimed to help young people develop the skills needed to bridge the gap between today’s learners and tomorrow’s career choices. The Government’s Industrial Strategy set out key Grand Challenge themes, aimed at putting the UK...

This resource forms part of the artificial intelligence resources from the Grand Challenges resource collection.  The introductory video can be found here.

The artificial intelligence – level 3 resource package consists of activities designed to run for around two...

This case study explores the intention of a provider to engage young learners in engineering and technology. Key to the project was the involvement of parents, employers and a range of STEM Ambassadors. Information on career pathways in engineering being the focus, an innovative approach in making engineering...

This resource features five inspiring people who developed Bridget, a six-wheeled ExoMars rover. 

Bridget is a prototype of the vehicle that will be the largest and most sophisticated vehicle ever to visit Mars.


These wide-ranging resources provide information and guidance that will help practitioners and employers consider issues such as gender equality, subject choice, inclusive pedagogy and providing successful work placements.

These activities have been developed for the National HE STEM Programme to be used in conjunction with the video resources found in this collection.

