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This Catalyst article investigates the ideas traffic police use about speed, acceleration and force to determine what happened during road accidents. The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2014, Volume 25, Issue 2.

Catalyst is a...

In this activity, students use computer software to explore the impact of car crashes under varying conditions and the effects on a simulated dummy. Students can select a car, a crash point and a speed, then watch an animation of a crash and see the results as physical impact on the dummy and as numerical data....

In this Triple Crossed resource, from the Centre for Science Education and supported by the Astra Zeneca Teaching Trust, Marc Bolan's 1977 car crash is used as the context for an activity that covers forces, car safety and advances in the car industry. Students are asked to consider the differences between the old...

This activity involves perspective, modelling, light and shadow. Close up photographs of the Moon’s surface show all sorts of interesting features. Craters are amongst the most interesting, especially when the Sun’s light grazes low across the lunar landscape. The aim of the exercise is to recreate a realistic...

This unplugged computing activity from the Barefoot Computing project teaches basic algorithms . An algorithm is a precise sequence of instructions or a set of rules for performing a specific task. By teaching this short, unplugged activity...

This workshop investigates how images are stored as data, and shows the difference that ‘bit depth’ makes to the quality of images and number of colours. It begins by looking at paintings and how, using only paint, images were difficult to edit – however digital images are much easier. Pupils with access to photo...

This Cre8ate maths activity draws on research which has indicated that many trainees / school leavers who are employed in vocational positions struggle with the numeracy skills needed in the workplace. Cre8 salon is a series of flexible activities that are designed to simulate some of the challenges of work in the...

These Cre8ate maths activities are provided to introduce students to the fundamental processes involved in programming a computer. Students are given drawings, along with the Logo commands which have been used and, by...

This unplugged activity uses a large model of a face, operated by several children working together, to teach how ‘emotion’ can be expressed by robots following simple rules. These rules are expressed as IF, THEN, ELSE, statements which, when...

In this activity children learn about the parts of a flower by constructing a flower from a selection of materials. Once created the flowers can be used to discuss the role of each part in reproduction. Further ideas can be found in the full resource...

Create your own flowering plant collage using selected materials. Once created label the different parts and discuss their role in a plant. Further ideas can be found in the full resource Parts...

In this activity pupils design and make a model of a foldable goal for use on the Moon, as part of a lunar league football game. They will consider the issues with playing football on the Moon and how to transport equipment to it, with the aim to design and make a model of a goal that could be folded into a tube...

In these activities, learners will create and develop a programmable pedestrian crossing using the micro:bit.

