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The Nuffield Primary Science materials were based on the findings of a research project called Science Processes and Concept Exploration (SPACE). This was the first set of resources published in the UK for primary science teaching that was explicitly based on a constructivist view of learning.


Some of the publications from the Nuffield Primary Science Project give general guidance about the research base of the project, its implementation in schools and the professional development for teachers across the full age range in primary schools. Other resources in this library give more specific guidance and...

This Introduction and Index to the Key Stage One resources was published to help teachers with the first edition of Nuffield Primary Science. For Key Stage Two, this general guidance was included in the Teachers’ Handbook.



The students' books were intended to supplement classroom work but not to replace practical work. The books were generally not essential for the activities outlined in the Teachers' Guides.


The students' books were intended to supplement classroom work but not to replace practical work. The books were generally not essential for the activities outlined in the Teachers' Guides.


The students' books were intended to supplement classroom work but not to replace practical work. The books were generally not essential for the activities outlined in the Teachers' Guides.


The Nuffield Primary Science Teachers' Guides are a resource that developed from the findings of the SPACE research programme. They were designed to help teachers put the SPACE approach to teaching and learning into action in their classrooms. The guides were not...

The Nuffield Primary Science Teachers' Guides are a resource that developed from the findings of the SPACE research programme. They were designed to help teachers put the SPACE approach to teaching and learning into action in their classrooms. The guides were not...

This project allows students to think positively and creatively about different visions of the future. The activities are designed to celebrate human ingenuity rather than apportion blame or induce guilt. Specifically students are challenged to rethink a sustainable future based on the principles of closed loop...

This project allows students to consider the nature of games and sports in depth. What are the characteristics of games that make them enjoyable to play and watch? How can games be redesigned for different participants and different occasions? How can kit and equipment be designed to improve performance?


Nuffield 11-14 cross-curricular STEM Projects encourage students to develop the skills to explore questions in depth using science, mathematics and design & technology. The projects are set in authentic STEM contexts which leads to a better understanding of how these disciplines (along with engineering) work...

The Nuffield 11-13 file of Worksheets includes photocopiable sheets covering both years of the programme. As well as supplementing the activities in the textbook, the worksheets are designed to do several jobs:
*to provide copiable of pages of information or...

The Nuffield 11 to 13 project provided a book for students and a Teachers’ Guide for each year of the course together with a file of Worksheets. The student books were not conventional textbooks. Less space than usual was given to exposition and factual information. The...

The second year of the Nuffield 11-13 course is divided into more traditional units geared towards an understanding of science in everyday life, and in its relation to society. The title ‘How science is used’ for the second year book conveys both the continuity and change.

A concern for processes maintains...
