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This Catalyst article looks at how you can collect iron micro-meteorites using a magnet. 


The SEP (Science Enhancement Programme) was set up in 1998, by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, to develop innovative, low-cost resources to enhance secondary science education, and provide support for science teachers. An extensive set of publications was produced including SEP’s range of high-quality...

This book looks at several aspects of gears and gearing: * Chain drives * Belt drives * Spur gears * Compound spur gears * Worm gears * Contrate and helical gears * Cams * Design and build problems Gears and Gearing was one of the Science at Work series. All the booklets in the series were highly illustrated with...

A Catalyst article explaining how a Geiger counter works through the use of captioned illustrations.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2004, Volume 15, Issue 1.

Catalyst is a science magazine for students aged 14-19 years...

This is a simple investigation where you connect a Geiger Muller tube to a variable voltage supply. You then place an alpha source in front of it and record the count rate for a variety of supply voltages to see how this impacts the count rate.

This resource has been provided by Keith Gibbs.

A Catalyst article looking at how gel electrophoresis is used in DNA fingerprinting. Gel electrophoresis is used to separate big molecules, in particular nucleic acids and proteins. To learn more about the structure and function of large molecules such as DNA and proteins, they can be broken up into smaller...

Produced by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), this activity enables students to look at the gel electrophoresis of DNA treated with restriction enzymes. It will help to develop a knowledge and understanding of the cutting of DNA with restriction enzymes.


Gelli Baff, a crystalline powder, has been dumped into a bathtub filled with water. How can you force the hydrogel to go down the plughole in order to drain the bathtub? 

In this investigation, students learn about swelling reactions, balanced reactions, and polymerisation. Students should be able to...

This resource investigates the use of pectin as a natural gelling agent in the manufacture of jams and preserves to retain their viscosity. A worksheet based task acts as an introduction, leading to investigations to identify the conditions necessary for gel formation using liquid pectin.

Produced by the former Department for Children, Schools and Families, this guide supports the delivery of Diplomas. It explores ways to encourage both male and female learners to consider qualifications and careers that are not typical to their gender. It suggests activities that consortia can carry out to engage...

This London Engineering Project paper, from the Royal Academy of Engineering, describes the processes and practices for developing gender neutral and culturally appropriate engineering activities in schools.


This resource is from a collection of Nuffield Maths resources exploring Hypothesis testing. The demand is roughly equivalent to that in GCE A level. The resources typically include slide shows to introduce the topics, student sheets and teacher notes, as well as other relevant resources.

In this resource...

Produced in 2011 by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), this case study looks at the theme of equality and diversity. It describes how Doncaster College has taken action to promote and embed gender equality, particularly in relation to engineering and technology. The college held a gender equality...

Produced in 2011 by the Learning Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), this case study tackles the theme of equality and diversity. By Newham Adult Learning Service, the study set out to explore, in a scientific manner, tutor and learner perceptions regarding gender and if there was in fact any gender bias in...
