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Planetary scientists, Dr. Matthew Balme and Dr. Elliot Sefton-Nash, talk about how challenging it is to find a scientifically compelling site to land in, once the engineering considerations in terms of the landing has been taken into account.

This video is part of a series of ten which look at the one of the...

Guidance and navigation engineer, Richard Lancaster, explains how the ‘Mars Yard’, at Airbus Defence and Space, Stevenage, allows engineers to test out the capabilities of the ExoMars rover.  He talks about the need to transmit all commands and receive data through a spacecraft orbiting Mars.  Spacecraft engineer,...

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Heather Williams, a senior medical physicist in a hospital nuclear medicine department.

Heather found that studying physics at school sparked a particular interest in radiation and its applications in medicine. A key part of her...

This Mathematics Matters case study looks at how mathematicians work with epidemiologists to understand the spread of infections and mitigate their effects. Epidemics can threaten the lives of both humans and animals, so it is essential that we react swiftly to any outbreaks. Mathematicians play a key role in...

In this video Helen describes how she became a trainee molecular geneticist at Addenbrookes hospital. The video could be used to introduce a lesson on  cystic fibrosis, genes, genetic testing, pre-implantation genetic testing, recessive and dominant genes, genetic disorders or genetic screening.


Mechanical engineer, Tom Hunt, shows how precision machines are used to produce the PanCam instrument, which will be sent to the European Space Agency to be integrated on to the ExoMars rover.  Electronics engineer, Barry Hancock, shows the filter wheel being tested within the labs, at the Mullard Space Science...

From the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI), this interactive resource halps to answer questions that students have about the production of medicines and the careers available in the pharmaceutical industry.

There is a wide variety of questions on topics as varied as:

  • The...

Dr. Lewis Dartnell takes a sample from the Atacama desert, to the Open University, to be analysed by a Raman spectrometer.  The spectrometer shows the organic compounds that Lewis found on the quartz, as well as the composition of the quartz itself.

This video is part of a series of ten which look at the one...

Designed to raise awareness of a greater range of STEM careers for post-16 students, t...

The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC) produces classroom resources and teacher guidance to help highlight the links between classroom science and science-based industry. Resources in this collection contain information about the chemical and plastics industries as well as practical guidance about...

Teachers TV was originally a television channel which aimed to provide professional development support for teachers, school leaders, support staff and governors. Many of the programmes were filmed inside real classrooms, with teachers sharing good practice and ideas for lessons.

The videos in this...

British ESA astronaut Tim Peake invites UK children to exercise alongside him as he trains two hours a day on the highest and fastest gym in the Universe – travelling at 27,600 km per hour and circling the world every 90 minutes. The triathlon styled challenge encourages schools to create their own ‘spaceathlons...

This Mathematics Matters case study, from the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, discusses the importance of statistics and computing to developments in medical research. Sequencing the human genome was a fantastic achievement, but it was only the beginning. Now, statisticians are coming up with new...

Robert is a temperate horticultural curator at the Eden Project.  Curriculum links could include biodiversity, human impact on the environmental science, photosynthesis, limiting factors, plants, ecosystems, biomes, nutrient cycling, habitats, interdependence.

