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In this Science upd8 activity, students evaluate evidence from a recently discovered mummy to work out how it lived and how it died. Through so doing, they learn about the function of its preserved tissues and organs.

This resource, provided by the Association for Science Education (ASE) and part of the SYCD Who am I? collection, uses a familiar card game format to illustrate cell, tissue and organ associations. It also highlights all the adaptations and functions of specialised cells required at Key Stage Three. The resource...

This article discusses how toxic gases gases can be useful in medicine, carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas but it can also help to treat some diseases.

The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2015, Volume 25, Issue 4.


This podcast from the Planet Earth Online collection and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) looks at how tracking insects can help scientists forecast summer storms and floods, and the role one of Europe's key satellite missions played in the recent floods in Queensland, Australia.

The huge...

This resource, from the Microbiology Society, gives an overview of the microbes that cause traveller’s diarrhoea (TD), how the infection is transmitted, how it is treated and how it can be prevented. TD is the most common illness that affects international travellers and each year 20–60% of globetrotters, an...

From triple science support, this case study illustrates how a school has challenged students who reported finding science uninspiring, irrelevant and “easy but boring”. They used personal learning and thinking skills and a different approach to homework.

The case study includes some background information...

From triple science support, this case study illustrates how adapting the curriculum to suit the needs of particular groups of students, recognising the importance of motivation and study skills when selecting students and planning well for future changes can lead to success in delivering triple science.


From triple science support, this case study illustrates a three school partnership with higher education, involving a wide variety of activities including CPD, lesson-planning, enrichment activities and mutual observations.

The case study includes some background information about the involvement of three...

From triple science support, this case study describes a network of three high schools which worked to develop the use of virtual learning environments (VLEs) to support delivery of the triple science GCSEs.

The case study includes some background information about the schools in Ilkeston (Derbyshire), and...

From triple science support, this case study describes a network of schools and a sixth form college which focused on increasing interest in triple sciences by student peer-teaching.

The case study includes some background information about Challney High School for Boys (Luton), and its partners, who focused...

From triple science support, this case study illustrates how a collaboration of schools worked alongside the local authority, higher education and industry to try to raise awareness of science careers among students at Key Stage Three and so encourage more of them to opt for triple science GCSEs.

Based in...

The case study includes some background information about the schools involved in Stockport, supported by the local authority, how they produced a guide for addressing both basic knowledge and misconceptions in electricity, and downloadable resources to help teachers to understand all aspects of forces.


From triple science support, this case study illustrates how a school's science and mathematics departments collaborated to increase the time available for students taking triple science and so increased the level of attainment for students.

The case study includes some background information about...

From triple science support, this case study illustrates how a school used a combination of identifying potential triple science students as early as Year Eight with student perspectives on the triple science courses and their reasons for choosing it.

The case study includes some background information about...

From triple science support, this case study illustrates the steps taken by a school in moving away from a stereotypical view of triple science as being academic and theoretical towards more exciting and engaging provision, and so attract more students to take up these GCSEs. It looks at the impact of developing a...
