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From the London Engineering Project, this document gives practical advice to practitioners about gender and cultural diversity, and suggests good practice in technology and engineering delivery.

This series of activities from NASA take a mathematical approach to looking at Lunar exploration. They are intended as supplementary problems for students looking for additional challenges in mathematics and physical science from age 11 to 19 years.

The problems were created to be authentic glimpses of...

This series of activities from NASA take a mathematical approach to looking at magnetism. They are intended as supplementary problems for students looking for additional challenges in mathematics and physical science from age 14 to 19 years.

The problems were created to be authentic glimpses of modern...

The National STEM Learning Centre and Network supports the teaching and learning of science, design and technology, computing, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education in schools and colleges throughout the United Kingdom, from primary level to post-16.


In this video from Osiris Educational Bill Rodgers discusses his...

In 2009, the Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME), who provide these resources, embarked on the Mathematical Needs Project to investigate how both the national needs and the individual needs of students, from age five to nineteen in England, could be met by a curriculum, delivery policy and...

The competition is for Scottish schools and is divided into four divisions: Primary (P7), Junior (S1 and S2), Middle (S3 and S4), and Senior (S5 and S6).  Each year there are two rounds of problems for Secondary schools and three rounds for Primary schools.

  • ...

Mathematics Teaching is the journal of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics. It is a professional journal sent to all members of the Association. This is a collection of articles from Mathematics Teaching journal covering a wide range of topics of interest to mathematics teachers of primary school aged...

This collection contains a variety of  reports published by a number of different organisations. The reports have been classified into the following five sub collections:

  • Assessment
  • International Comparisons
  • Post 16
  • Professional Development
  • Teaching and Learning...

This collection of STEM educational reports, produced by a number of organisations, concern how mathematics is assessed. Topics discussed in the reports include;

  • An analysis, by the Department of Education, of the effects of early entry to GCSE.
  • A report from the Nuffield Foundation exploring...

This collection of STEM education reports explores mathematics professional development. The reports include:

  • Researching Effective CPD in Mathematics Education - The aim of this project was to provide advice, guidance and recommendations to be used by NCETM to inform future planning, as well as to...

This collection of reports explores the teaching and learning of mathematics. The reports include:

  • Mathematical Needs - The project comprised two reports which looked at the mathematical needs of Higher Education and employment and examined the mathematical needs of learners.
  • Deep Progress in...

This collection contains a variety of reports published by a number of organisations comparing mathematical performance across countries. The reports include:

  • Primary Problems - a First Curriculum for Mathematics, produced by Politeia, which responds to the developments in the educational reform of...

This collection contains a variety of models and extensive notes and activities by Arthur Owen OBE. 


This resource from Ofsted, published in May 2012, is a full report and summary of the findings into the teaching of mathematics, based predominantly on evidence from inspections between January 2008 and July 2011 in maintained schools in England. Attention is drawn to serious inequalities in students’ experiences...
