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This edition of Computer Science for Fun looks at human-computer interaction (HCI), and how designers aim to make computers that feel good to use. The articles cover:

• ‘Invoked computing’ – camouflaged computers

• HCI and F1 steering wheels

• Cheating robots

• Handshaking – tuning into...

The language of computer science and programming is the focus of this edition of Computer Science for Fun. The articles cover:

• Arabic programming language

• White-hat hackers and penetration testing

• The Chinese Room thought experiment and artificial intelligence

• TuneTrace – ‘...

This edition of Computer Science for Fun examines how computer science has improved the safety of medicine and hospitals and how accidents have happened in the past. The articles include:

• Therac-25 cancer therapy – safety-critical applications

• Programming magic tricks

• Human-Computer...

This edition of Computer Science for fun asks ‘Can Machines be Creative?’ The articles inside include:

  • The work of Ada Lovelace
  • Playfulness and creativity
  • The letter-writing algorithm that dare not speak its name
  • Teaching computers – a parent-child relationship
  • ...

This issue of Computer Science for Fun focuses on multimodal design. This involves interfacing with computers using more than one of your senses.

The articles include:

• Using air and ultrasound to create ‘shapes’ you can feel.

• Medical and veterinary training simulators with haptic feedback...

The magazine that presents the fun side of computer science. This issue includes:

• Artificial intelligence and mobile phone gaming

• Human error and human-computer interfaces

• Simple game algorithms

• The ‘first cyborg’

• The life of Alexander Graham Bell

• Viral...

This issue of Computer Science for Fun focuses on the work of scientists and engineers using computers to ...

This issue of Computer Science for Fun focuses on creative computing. Can a machine even ever be truly creative? After all they are just blindly following their programs. Surely that isn’t what creativity is about! But what do we really mean by creativity? We need to...

This issue of the magazine, presenting the fun side of computer science, includes articles on:

• The nature of artificial intelligence

• Computer generated images and motion capture in the movies

• The efficiency of insect brains

• JPEGs and the psychology of image compression


This issue of Computer Science for Fun magazine contains interesting articles on:

• DNA data and error correction

• Neural networks

• Biometrics and security

• Computer science and medicine

• Finding a cure for cancer – links to computer science

• Dust-sized computers


This special issue of Computer Science for Fun magazine is entitled ‘The Perception Deception’, and looks at computer science illusions

It includes articles covering:

• Experimental methods in computer science

• Head-up displays and Pepper’s Ghost

• Mobile technology and a ‘virtual...

This special issue of Computer Science for Fun is entitled ‘Computer Science Everywhere’, and looks at the ubiquity of computer technology. It features a range of well-written articles on:

• Mediascapes – location-sensitive multimedia

• Closed circuit video analysis – computing challenges


A special issue of Computer Science for Fun focused on computers and images, containing articles on:

• Fractals

• Using Geomlab for tessellating images

• The golden ratio and beauty

• Robot artists

• The painter’s algorithm for drawing 3D graphics

• Communicating ideas...

This issue of Computer Science for Fun is entitled ‘Computer Science in Space’, and explores the role of computers in space exploration and astronomy.

It includes articles covering:

• Computer scientists working for NASA

• GPS and computer art projects that love your data

• Computers,...

This edition of Computer Science for Fun is entitled ‘The Earth Issue’, and features computer science applications that are environmentally friendly or that have helped scientists researching our planet.

The articles include:

• The power efficiency of the human brain vs modern computers

