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24 photo cards that students can fit together to create shapes and structures. A good tool for teaching design and engineering. 

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

The purpose of this book is to help schools raise the quality of their links with business. Links include activities such as work experience and visitors in the classroom, as well as teacher placemnets nd business consultancy which can impact upon the school as an organisation.

This book complements the...

The CLIS approach stressed the importance of recognising and building on the learner’s existing ideas and challenging any misconceptions that learners may have. It was based on a constructivist theory of learning. The theory was refined and developed through the...

The work of the Children’s Learning in Science Project (CLIS) was based on a view of learning which assumes that learners are actively involved in constructing meanings. Implicit in the teaching approach is the assumption that learning does not simply involve ‘taking in’ new ideas, but that the learner may need to...

A collection of seventy four activities designed for use with a calculator. Topics covered include all four operations of number, number bonds, number machines, factors, missing signs, fraction to decimal conversions, areas of rectangles, perfect squares, factorials and investigating the ratio of two consecutive...

According to a working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research, published in 2016,  removing low-performing...

Published in June 2002. Dyslexia affects a significant proportion of the UK population and can be a barrier to learning in science for those afflicted. There are a number of techniques teachers can employ to alleviate the problems dyslexic students face with both practical and written work in science. These have...

The CensusAtSchool UK project began in 2000 in conjunction with the National Statistics Office. The project, originally a one-off, was linked to the UK population census of 2001. It has now developed into a dynamic, ongoing and exciting initiative running in a number of countries.

It aims to:


Experienced teachers, working for The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), have created over 100 teaching and learning resources and a suite of interactive and informative websites for use by teachers and students. They show how science works in real-life contexts and demonstrate how the chemical...

This book contains over 200 multiple choice...

Charles is investigating whether there is life on other planets.  He studies life in extreme environments, such as in volcanoes or on the International Space Station.  He studied biochemistry at university and went on to study astrobiology and the possibility of life on other planets. 

There are two cuts of...

Born in London to parents who emigrated from Ghana, Charlotte Armah's scientific work may have very obvious benefits for us all. She leads experiments involving human volunteers to learn whether eating particular foods, especially broccoli, can protect us from diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer....

This collection of resources from the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT) are designed for use by STEM Ambassadors and/or teachers to ...

In Checking for Understanding, Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey show how to increase students' understanding with the help of creative formative assessments. When used regularly, formative...
