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This is a classroom-based activity from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute that allows students to explore the features of two bacterial pathogen genomes. The aim of this activity is to highlight the role of different genetic components in two closely related subspecies of Salmonella enterica, and to identify how...

With just a few materials, building a paper model of the International Space Station (ISS) can become a class project. This publication contains a brief overview of the ISS, its parts, the science that occurs on board, instructions, and extension fact sheets. Learn about the ISS, explore fun facts, simulate...

In this activity, students create colour images from satellite data. This allows them to study how different surfaces reflect different wavelengths of light, how coloured images are created using an RGB model, and how band combinations can be chosen to examine a particular landscape effectively.

This booklet is part of the ‘Innovations in Practical Work’ series published by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme (SEP). Building materials and construction methods provide an interesting context in which students can develop their understanding of basic ideas...

In Building a town, from Cre8ate maths, students are encouraged to consider the mathematical shapes which form the net of a building. Some simple models are shown and students could use these to construct their nets, before building the models themselves.


[b]Ordering units of weight:[/b] the objective of this activity is to assess prior knowledge of learners and their understanding of metric units. Students are presented with a set of cards on which are written metric weights in grams, kilograms and in words. Students are required to place the cards in order of...

Learners discover the BIFoR FACE (Birmingham Institute for forest research free air carbon enrichment) experiment and the infrastructure associated with it. They are introduced to the arrays, met masts and flux tower and encouraged to think about the research questions that this experiment can answer. Learners are...

This Salters’ Chemistry Course unit from the University of York Science Education Group covered:
* Properties of building materials including their reactions with acid.
* Factors which affect rate of reaction.
* The relationship between the properties and...

This assessment task from Bowland asks students to work out how much material is needed to make bunting to go round a garden. The key processes involved are representing, analysing, communicating and reflecting. Students are given a number of basic facts upon which to base their solution and two steps are suggested...

A Year 11 module from the Salters’ Key Stage Four double award gcse science course. This module draws together ideas about chemical bonding and the energy changes associated with bond making and bond breaking. The relationship between type of bonding and the properties...

This Salters’ Chemistry Course unit from the University of York Science Education Group covered:
* causes and control of fire
* flash points & controlled burning
* energy changes in chemical reactions
* bond breaking and making exothermic and...

In this Science upd8 activity students perform a CSI investigation to find the murderer in the park on Guy Fawkes' Night. They encounter a variety of science on the way, from rocket science to electron energy levels. They learn how those colour-giving electrons that make fireworks so much fun, fit into the atoms...

This resource describes the use of Cabomba to investigate the effect of light intensity in photosynthesis. The video demonstrates how best to use this protocol with students in the lab, supported by student sheets with four different investigations, technical notes and...

Straightforward logic is used in this resource, from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching, to establish the calculation, necessary to move correctly along a number line, when the starting point is at a negative value. Phrases such as owing and debt are used to help students deal with...

This activity asks students to consider the biology of cancer, and to use the information they research to produce a document summarising their main points. Dr Eleanor Stride is developing a treatment for cancer that encloses cancer treating drugs in bubbles that can be directed by magnetic fields to the cancer...
