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In this DIY Faraday Challenge, students are asked to work in teams to design and construct the rocket which will transport supplies via Earth orbit to the astronauts on Mars. They are also required to build a system to transport the rocket to the...

In this resource learners will explore why scientists are engaged in research at the bottom of the Antarctic and Arctic Oceans. They will understand the importance of collecting samples of organisms...

This set of activities is designed for a STEM Ambassador to use when introducing their work in the highways and transport industry to pupils aged 7 to 11. They can also be used by teachers to introduce transportation related activities and careers...

This set of activities is designed for a STEM Ambassador to use when introducing their work in the highways and transport industry to pupils aged 5 to 7. They can also be used by teachers to introduce transportation related activities and careers.


This set of activities is designed for a STEM Ambassador to use when introducing their work in the highways and transport industry to pupils aged 5 to 7. They can also be used by teachers to introduce transportation related activities and careers...

Inspired by the Born to Engineer video from Faye Banks, an engineer who works on the UK electrical network, this resource supports students to increase their understanding of engineering and the design decisions that electrical engineers have to make when creating a new electrical network.


In this Nuffield ...

This resource from Practical Action includes a presentation and worksheets which give Key Stage Three and Four students opportunities to understand more about the impact of existing and new products on people and the environment. The presentation is packed with useful activities to reinforce students' learning. The...


These materials use the land speed record attempt as a context for teaching about the irreversible changes and energy transfers that occur in BLOODHOUND SSC’s rocket engine.

The BLOODHOUND SuperSonic Car (SSC) World...

This information bulletin, from the Royal Academy of Engineering, is aimed at teachers to help them encourage students into engineering careers. The bulletin provides three case studies about young engineers and also provides a selection of activities to engage students in thinking about engineering concepts and to...

Produced by the LSIS, these materials include an interactive activity and presentation that introduces safety signs as a communication medium. It has a lively, interactive approach to help students become familiar with the meaning of the four main types of safety signs. Students apply and test their understanding...

This maths-based challenge explores sustainable travel, developing student understanding of the effects that some modes of transport have on the environment and ways of reducing it.

Students are asked to compare alternative methods of transport by calculating journey times and their carbon footprints.  The...
