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These materials from the National Strategies were developed during a Wave 3 mathematics pilot with 27 LEAs. Feedback influenced the revision of the teaching materials and their presentation in the pack.

The materials...

This resource contains a series of interactive spreadsheets designed to demonstrate various teaching points and to provide practice in 2D and 3D shapes and their properties at primary level. They are:


The aim of the Children’s Learning in Science Project (CLIS) was to discover how to use a constructivist approach to teach selected topics, and translate this into materials which could be used by teachers.

These are...

Published in January 1980, this report sets out preliminary views on the form that a framework for the proposed National Curriculum should take and the ground it should cover. The ideas were presented to start a consultation process, leading to a curriculum that would apply to schools nationally and promote...

This short film aimed at improving the subject knowledge of primary teachers on the topic of keeping healthy. It follows Sonia Cullington of WOW Fitness as she speaks about healthy eating and living. She looks at an everyday shopping list and discusses how they may or may not form part of a healthy balanced diet....

Produced by ARKive, this series of activities teaches students about endangered species through the creation of an interactive museum. Children learn about endangered species through the ARKive School Museum presentation and then choose an endangered species to research. They then produce an exhibit by creatively...

Aimed at primary level, this activity pack contains a range of different activities based on the theme of ‘accidental discoveries’. The activities cover a mixture of topics including: materials and their properties, circuits, the heart and microorganisms. They introduce scientists and the accidental discoveries...

How do animals survive in different habitats? This creative activity is designed to teach 7 to 11 year olds about the concept of adaptation – the process whereby a species evolves characteristics that enable it to survive in a particular habitat. Using the marine environment as an example, children learn about how...

The Teaching Primary Science book Aerial models concerns activities which are likely to arouse interest, excitement, enterprise and competition. The book recognises that whilst these actions can be used as stimuli leading to scientific work, measurement and the...

This resource contains a collection of dynamic and interactive spreadsheets designed to illustrate teaching points on the topic of angles.

The first sheet provides screens on the following:


Produced in 2009-2010, Assessing Pupils Progress (APP) was produced by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) and is a structured approach to periodic assessment, written to enable teachers to use diagnostic information about students’ strengths and weaknesses and to track students’ progress.


Introduction to SAMHE

This short video introduces the SAMHE project and teachers share how they are using SAMHE and the benefits for their students, themselves and their schools. 


This lesson or enrichment activity investigates recursive algorithms using Fibonacci series.

It begins with an engaging maths magic trick ‘how to fake a super brain’ that uses a special property of Fibonacci numbers, and proceeds to look at the Golden Ratio in nature and its ‘beautiful’ properties.

