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'Wave 3 materials': supporting children with gaps in their mathematical understanding
These materials from the National Strategies were developed during a Wave 3 mathematics pilot with 27 LEAs. Feedback influenced the revision of the teaching materials and their presentation in the pack.
The materials:
• were aimed mainly at Key Stage Two students, having been designed with age appropriate contexts and approaches;
• follow the principles for successful Wave 3 intervention that have been identified by research;
• aim to increase students' rate of progress by providing focused teaching activities which tackle fundamental errors and misconceptions;
• are applicable to any student who, for any reason, demonstrates fundamental errors and misconceptions;
• focus on the most commonly occurring types of mathematical difficulties with number and calculation;
Using the pack introduces the concept of the three waves of teaching, the materials themselves, a management guide and appendices which contain the tracking charts for Addition and Subtraction, and Multiplication and Division.
The tracking charts show under each year group heading:
*Associated knowledge and skills that contribute to understanding of the key objective.
*Common errors and misconceptions linked to specific knowledge and skills which support diagnosis of students' difficulties.
*Questions that can be used to help teachers decide where the student’s difficulties lie.
*Examples of the types of teaching activity in the booklets.
Resources and index of games contains photocopiable resource sheets and an index of games contained in the booklets.
The two booklets focus on common errors and misconceptions in addition and subtraction, and the second on common errors and misconceptions in multiplication and division.
The teaching materials are referenced by year group to the National Numeracy Strategy Framework for teaching mathematics key objectives.
The structure of each booklet is similar, they list :
• the error or misconception;
• an opening teaching activity addressing the error/misconception;
• a number of Spotlights (short focused teaching activities);
• a final Spotlight often encompassed in a game, which includes assessment opportunities, key vocabulary checklist, and intended learning outcomes.
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Resources and index of games 500.35 KB
Addition and subtraction problems 669.86 KB
Wave 3 mathematics: using the pack 260.47 KB