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This activity has been designed to encourage pupils to try new foods, to understand the need for a healthy balanced diet and to safely undertake simple cooking skills. It contains a session plan, an advice sheet to support setting up cooking with your class, as well as a game and a letter and activity to send home...

A collection of case studies from teachers or schools who have carried out their own research, or used evidence from academic research, to improve an area of pedagogy.

This is part of the Teachers as researchers collection which has examples of teachers...

A collection of case studies from teachers or schools who have carried out their own research, or used evidence from academic research, to improve an area of classroom management or classroom organisation.

This is part of the Teachers as...

A collection of case studies by teachers or schools who have carried out their own research, or used evidence from academic research, to improve practice.

This is part of the Teachers as researchers collection which has examples...

This document introduces 'The Crystal' building in the Royal Docks, London which is designed to improve knowledge of urban sustainability.

This handbook looks at opportunities for educators to introduce environmental education across the EYFS framework and primary national curriculum for England.

It looks at the curriculum and gives examples and case studies of how teachers can explore environmental issues with their students. It provides...


This collection of resources provides activities for children aged from 4-11, using the theme of exploring Mars as the context. The six activities for each age group of children, allow them to find out more about the...

This resource provides activities for children aged from 4-11,using the theme of exploring Mars as the context. With a focus on the Martian weather. The activities are:


This resource provides activities for children aged from 4-11,using the theme of exploring Mars as the context. With a focus on the Landing and exploring. The activities are:


This resource supports learning about the ExoMars rover, which will travel across the Martian surface and drill up to two metres below the surface to collect and analyse samples in the search for evidence of life. These activities support children in finding out how more about the rover and the ExoMars mission. The...

The European Space Agency’s (ESA), new robotic rover Rosalind Franklin will explore Mars and send back data vital for human exploration in the future. This resource provides activities for different age ranges, which are:


In this activity, the children are introduced to robots...

The Crunch, created by the Wellcome Trust, aims to get children thinking about how our food, our health and our planet are all interconnected. Examining our relationships with food, and exploring cutting edge research, so that...

Published in 2015, this research paper indicates that coaching and mentoring are significant features of effective professional learning for teachers. In science education, coaching is occasionally included in professional development for science subject leaders but only very occasionally used in formal subject-...
