Resources by Macdonald Educational

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The Science 5/13 resources include two books to help the teacher with the application of the general approach of the project. They are distinct from the project’s other resources by providing information about the general educational philosophy of the project and about planning the use of its resources at the...

Science 5/13 Units for Teachers: Early Experiences

The Science 5/13 Unit for teachers entitled Early experiences focuses on science for the youngest children (infants) in the primary school. Unlike other Units of the project, the activities proposed in Early experiences cover a range of activity-based topics and relate only to the objectives stated for the first...

Science for Children with Learning Difficulties

The Learning Through Science guide on Science for Children with Learning Difficulties was written for teachers of children in the age range 8 to 13 who are unable to manage learning tasks which are successfully completed by most of their peers. This followed the recommendation in the Warnock Committee report of...

Science from Toys, Stages One and Two and Background

This Science 5/13 unit for teachers Science from toys stages one and two and background comprises a number of sections focused on particular toy. In each section, sufficient background material is given so that teachers can see where suggested lines of development can lead, and immediate information is provided...

Science From Water Play

The Teaching Primary Science book Science from water play contains many suggestions for organisation and for activities arising from water play with infants to more structured investigations of floating and sinking with older children. It discusses equipment and...

Science From Wood

The Teaching Primary Science book Science from Wood was intended to complement the two texts in the Science 5/13 series Working with wood, stages one and...

Science Resources for Primary and Middle Schools

This learning Through Science Guide is about the resources needed to carry out science in primary and middle schools. The guide was primarily intended to help a school staff to assemble the resources that are needed for scientific explorations, but also of value to individual teachers. It describes the objects and...

Science, Models and Toys, Stage Three

This Science 5/13 unit for teachers indicates work that can be undertaken in upper years of primary schools, in middle schools or in secondary schools by children who have reached stage three (making greater use of abstract thinking). Some of the toys chosen are dealt with in the unit...

Seeds and Seedlings

The Teaching Primary Science book Seeds and seedlings contains many suggestions for class organisation and for activities relating to this topic. It acknowledges and makes suggestions for addressing the problem of what to do between sowing seeds and producing seedlings...

Secondary mathematics series from the 1970s.


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