Resources by Macdonald Educational

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This book  provides a wealth of experience of a scientific nature for young children. These make it clear that science for young children...

Aerial Models

The Teaching Primary Science book Aerial models concerns activities which are likely to arouse interest, excitement, enterprise and competition. The book recognises that whilst these actions can be used as stimuli leading to scientific work, measurement and the...

Calculating aids (Macdonald education colour units)

All Around

The Learning Through Science teachers’ guide and pupils’ assignment cards for the unit All Around give suggestions for activities children could undertake. The cards are divided into groups according to their subject: science on the doorstep, looking at plants and looking at animals. On the cards the grouping is...

Part of a series, this book offers teachers a variety of ways in which they can offer children activities which will introduce them to the way that an understanding of physical science can lead to a parallel understanding of technology.

This is an investigation of the things and places around us which relates something of their past. It includes ideas and activities designed to encourage children to explore their environment. Topics covered include school, home, streets, shops, weather, churches, building sites, rocks and pebbles, canals, and...

Secondary mathematics series from the 1970s.


The Teaching Primary Science book Candles uses the study of candles to illustrate how much science can come from the study of everyday objects. It describes a selection of the many investigations which start from candles and which give some idea of what science is. The...

Change, Stage Three

This Science 5/13 unit for teachers Change stage three deals mainly with energy, and suggests ways of approaching this topic using the group working methods used in primary schools. However, the ideas and thinking required are described as being suitable only for pupils who have reached a certain level of...

Change, Stages One and Two and Background

This Science 5/13 unit for teachers on Change stages one and two describes a range of activities that build children’s ideas about change and how it occurs. Rather than being a topic to pursue as a whole, it contains ideas that can be woven into other topics. However,...


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