Resources by Macdonald Educational

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Secondary mathematics series from the 1970s.

Structures and Forces, Stage One and Two

This resource suggests classroom activities based on observations of structures such as building, bridges and some natural structures. Students build models to investigate the strength of different structures and materials. There is a list of materials mentioned in the Unit, although the sources suggested need to...

Structures and Forces, Stage Three

The Science 5/13 unit Structures and forces stage three continues to study of structures and forces met in children’s daily experience as in Structures and Forces Stages One and Two. However, in stages one and two the forces met were always balanced and the...

The units for teachers under the collective title of Using the environment were written by Margaret Collis, described in the preface to the books as “a valued friend of the Science 5/13 project” but not a member of the project team. She had written Using the environment as a result of her many years of working with...

The Learning Through Science Teachers’ Guides and Pupils’ Assignment Cards comprise 12 themes, or units, of activities. There are 24 cards for pupils to use within each unit. Each card usually presents basic scientific concepts, but the main thrust of the pupils’ assignments is towards the development of attitudes...

These 13 Science 5/13 units for teachers describe classroom activities related to various topics. The activities are linked to the objectives identified for stages one and two, listed in Objectives for children learning science: guidelines to keep in mind at the back of each unit. It was intended that teachers...

The Science 5/13 project provided resources for teachers for use with children who had reached Stage Three and were developing the ability for abstract thinking. However, an entirely abstract approach was not intended and the work was still to be approached through experience which could be extended through the use...

The project Teaching Primary Science was sponsored jointly by the Nuffield Foundation and the Social Science Research Council, between 1970 and 1975. It produced ten books published by Macdonald Educational between 1975 and 1978. These included an introduction and guide...

The Teaching Primary Science book Aerial models concerns activities which are likely to arouse interest, excitement, enterprise and competition. The book recognises that whilst these actions can be used as stimuli leading to...


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