Resources by Macdonald Educational

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Children and Plastics, Stages One and Two and Background

This Science 5/13 unit for teachers Plastics for stages one and two is concerned with children’s exploration of the man-made plastics in the world around. It is not concerned with the chemistry or the production of plastics but with the variety and uses of plastics. The...


The Learning Through Science teachers’ guides and pupils’ assignment Cards for the unit on Colour give suggestions for activities children could undertake. The cards are divided into groups according to their subject: art and colour, looking at colour, colour and ourselves, chemistry and colour, and colour in the...

Science 5/13 is aimed at helping teaches help children between the ages of five and thirteen years to learn science through first-hand experience using a variety of methods. The project produces books that comprise units dealing with subject areas...

Coloured Things, Stages One and Two

This Science 5/13 unit for teachers Coloured things stages one and two provides suggestions for children's activities some of which relate directly to colour itself whilst others use an interest in coloured things as a springboard to other areas of investigation. Each...

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Science 5/13 is aimed at helping teaches help children between the ages of five and thirteen...


The Learning Through Science teachers’ guides and pupils’ assignment cards for the unit Earth give suggestions for activities children could undertake. The cards are divided into groups according to their subject: fieldwork, rock testing, soils, crystals, riches of the Earth, and past environments. On the cards...


This resource provides activity cards for students to explore the use of electric circuits and electromagents. Activities include:

[b]Basic circuits[/b]

1. Will it light?
2. Bulbs/bulbholders
3. On/off
4. Short circuits and fuses
5. Circuit wise
6. Circuit trace

Fibres and Fabrics

The Teaching Primary Science book Fibres and fabrics contains many suggestions for classroom work about fabrics and paper, both of which are made from fibres. It begins with a discussion of some of the problems of teaching and organising this topic and considers how...

The Learning Through Science project produced four books giving guidance on various aspects of the use of the materials. The first of these to be produced was a guide to producing a school policy on science, a tasks which was new to many schools at a time (1980) when science was still gaining a foothold in the...

Secondary mathematics series from the 1970s.


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