Resources by Macdonald Educational

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The Learning Through Science teachers’ guides and pupils’ assignment cards for the unit on Materials give suggestions for activities children could undertake. The cards are divided into groups according to their subject: in the home, in the school, and in shops and...


This book offers the reader a graduated selection of mathematical and logical games both old and new. Riddles, problems, puzzles, brainteasers and paradoxes have been grouped according to...

Calculating aids (Macdonald education colour units)

Metals, Stages One and Two

The Science 5/13 unit Metals, stages one and two, describes practical situations and enquiries in which children’s attention is focused on the use and properties of metals. In this unit, activities for stage one and stage two are in separate sections and written in...

Minibeasts, Stages One and Two

The Science 5/13 unit Minibeasts stages one and two is about the ‘creepy crawlies’ of the animal world, meaning mainly invertebrates. This focus was selected because of the wide variety of these creatures normally available in any environment and accessible for first-...

Mirrors and Magnifiers

The Teaching Primary Science book Mirrors and magnifiers describes activities which can be carried using these materials at any age. The book pays attention to problems such as holding mirrors upright and choosing and using hand lenses. Teaching methods are discussed...

Moving Around

The Learning Through Science teachers’ guides and students’ assignment cards for the unit Moving Around give suggestions for activities children could undertake. The cards are divided into groups according to their subject: cars and lorries, wheels, machines, and magnets. On the cards the grouping is denoted by a...

Musical Instruments

The Teaching Primary Science book Musical instruments uses instruments and other materials readily available in primary schools as the basis for investigations through which children can begin to understand and enjoy aspects of physics. The book aims to provide help for...

Secondary mathematics series from the 1970s.

In this book you will be asked to look for patterns. In fact, you will be investing or recalling patterns in your mind until you find one which fits the sequence in front of you. By the end of the book your skill at pattern-making will help you understand more about the 'world of number'.


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