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Skills Builder Toolkit
The Skills Builder Toolkit draws together the best thinking and experience around building essential skills from educators, employers and other skills-building organisations. It turns skills that can often seem hazy into a consistent set of eight transferable skills:
- Listening
- Speaking
- Problem Solving
- Creativity
- Aiming High
- Staying Positive
- Teamwork
- Leadership
Each skill is broken down into teachable, learnable and assessable chunks, putting them into an effective order to support progression throughout primary, secondary and post-16.
This toolkit and the supporting resources available on the Skills Builder Hub can support you to embed the effective teaching of these essential skills into any area of the curriculum. Additionally, it can support achievement of the Gatsby Careers Benchmarks, alongside existing careers provision, enhance the impact of co-curricular and extra-curricular activity, and, ultimately, contribute to your students building these essential skills.
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