- View more resources from this publisherBest Evidence Science Teaching
Characteristics of Light
These diagnostic questions and response activities (contained in the zip file) support students in being able to:
Identify the shadow made by an object
Describe how light travels in straight lines
Explain how shadows are formed
Explain how light from a bulb illuminates a place
Explain why light gets dimmer farther from a light source
Identify surfaces that reflect light
Predict the direction in which flat mirrors reflect light
Draw a ray diagram to show how light reflects off a flat mirror
Accurately measure angles of incidence and angles of reflection
Explain how light reflects off rough surfaces
The resources include details of common misconceptions and a summary of the research upon which the resources are based.
Download the zip file for all the questions and activities.
More resources like this can be found on the BEST webpage: Best Evidence in Science Teaching
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Resources.zip 4.01 MB
Teacher notes.pdf 975.62 KB