- View more resources from this publishercre8ate maths
- View more resources from this publisherCentre for Science Education
Tiling Patterns
Cre8ate maths provides these activities which investigate the tessellation of regular polygons and its application in construction. Initially students identify which regular polygons tessellate, providing the opportunity to discuss the interior angles of polygons and the sum of angles at a point, before looking at patterns formed by semi regular tessellations.
In More triangles than squares students investigate the ratio of triangles, squares and hexagons, used to tile the floor in a shopping centre. There are a variety of methods which they could use to do this, it is most effective when pupils work in groups and are encouraged to both experiment and discuss their ideas.
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Package download 368.9 KB
Tiling patterns (teachers' notes) 64.41 KB
More triangles than squares 91.81 KB
Patio patterns 55.39 KB
Semi-regular tilings 41.53 KB