Climate change - primary resources

A collection of resources linked to climate change themes suitable for primary aged pupils. Themes include but are not limited to, environmental change, melting ice and glaciers, the greenhouse effect, fossil fuels, green power and sustainability. 



Showing 29 result(s)

Climate emergency

This resource from The Economist Educational Foundation engages students with big questions about climate change and human intervention. The sessions explore the viability of our attempts to keep temperatures down and supports students to discuss the obstacles to success and question where...

Climate Survey - How Do We Affect Our Weather and Climate?

This resource can be used when teaching about the weather and environment. It contains four activities which are:

* Measuring contrails in the sky
* Measuring wind direction at cloud height
* Using bubbles to measure wind direction at our height
* Answering questions about how hot or cold...

Dissolving sea shells in vinegar

What effect does acid have on sea life?

This unit follows on from 'Do you like your oceans still or sparkling?' The activity demonstrates the ability of an acidic substance (in this case vinegar) to dissolve sea shells.

Malt vinegar contains acetic...

Do you like your oceans still or sparkling?

The oceans are become more acidic. This is due to an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through the ...


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