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School physics
This collection of resources look at many different investigations that can be undertaken with A-level students and covers many required practical pieces of work, alongside other activities which offer alternatives to commonly used work. Lots build on the work students will have done lower down in school and cover lots of apparatus and technique skills too.
Viscosity: Stoke's law
This investigation can be linked to density which is taught at GCSE and show how this is built on. The aim is to determine the coefficient of viscosity of a viscous liquid such as glycerol, but this could be expanded to different liquids.
Wheatstone bridge
The aim of this investigation is to find the value of a number of resistors using a Wheatstone bridge. Although this is an historical piece of equipment that has been superseded by modern methods it provides an excellent way to understand potential difference in circuits.
Young's modulus of copper wire
This is an widely used investigation where you determine the Young's modulus of a piece of copper wire. This can be expanded to test other wires or materials and helps students with their measurement techniques.